And just like that, it’s December. We still grossly low on snow up here in the Rocky Mountains but the weather has taken a turn for the colder [much colder] so I guess we can officially say winter has arrived. Finally. The resorts opened 3+ weeks behind schedule which meant those of us lucky enough to snag mountain jobs were stuck with an extra 3 weeks of free time, sans paycheck.
I’ve also managed to survive long enough to make it to my “forever 29” birthday while forgetting to grow up in any capacity. Turns out being 30 really isn’t that bad! Seriously, zero complaints with where life is going right now. Here’s what’s going down in my life, currently…
…ran the Big Backyard Ultra in TN on a whim + sorta surprised myself with the outcome.
…back in Colorado for the winter with another seasonal job, sleeping in a real bed!
…immersing myself back into the medical field, slowly but surely.
…mastering the art of chasing down buses + surviving a bus-mute.
…finally finishing books, courtesy of Audible + online libraries! #pocketperson
…jumping out of perfectly functional planes, just for fun.
…digging around in the CMC’s course catalog for some interesting spring semester classes.
…watching Robb chase Max around the living room; my friends are weird.
…being extremely thankful for the weird friends I do have, they help me feel normal!
…attempting to do budgeting math + never loving the numbers.
…half-heartedly attempting to put myself out there + discovering that dating is a LOT of work.
…rather unfulfilled by the new Gilmore Girl episodes — learn something from your past, people!
…finally found my way to the summit of Buffalo Mountain, my backyard mountain!
…picking up all of the extra hours + working my way back into 60+ hour weeks. Phew.
…snagged myself a birthday present — one way flights back to Switzerland come April!
…discovering new ways to spend my money — while getting outside. #worthit
…kinda, sorta forgetting how to run; especially when it comes to legit training.
…embracing my daily dress code + rediscovering my ability to look cute with a little creativity.
As I read through all of this I’m seeing it’s all quite positive. In the grand scheme of things; life really has been quite positive! This either means reality is about to punch me in the face or…I’ve finally found my happy medium in this world. I guess we’ll just have to wait + see.
Heidi - you found your life style and Switzerland one way sounds great. Don’t you need somebody who shows you Switzerland? It is VERY dangerous there, in particular for 30 year old attractive American women. Think about it!
Ha. I just haven’t found someone who’s willing to indulge my crazy AND keep up with my “planning”! 🙂