It is finally time…for my OmniTen trip with Columbia Sportswear! My packing list is a jumbled mess in my head, the board bag arrived yesterday, airport carpooling is planned and I’m perfecting my “I’m as cool as I sound on Twitter” elevator pitch for when I actually meet everyone in the OmniTen and OmniGames crew.

Oh, and I’m excited. Just a teeny tiny bit.

What am I excited about?

A week in Park City. Making new friends. Playing in the snow. Staying at the incredible Hyatt Escala Lodge. And…that is all that I know.

Yup, that is all Columbia has told us. Nothing more. And I’m incredibly excited for a vacation that is 100% prepared for me. I have to do nothing but get myself to the airport and that’s what husbands are for, right?!

There has a ton of speculation on Twitter about what we’ll be doing when we get to Park City. Hints have been dropped but there has been no confirmation…on anything. To console the crazy planner inside of my head I’ve come up with a list of things I think we should do in the beautiful, fluffy snow…

Snow Kayaking
Extreme Tubing

Want to find out what we actually end up doing? I promise to post plenty of photos on Twitter and Instagram but I’m fairly certain the laptop will be staying at home, with Chris and the cats. Happy freaking vacation to me…bring it on #OmniGames!

Super Important Side Note: This entire trip has been planned and provided by Columbia…and I am so incredibly thankful for the opportunity! The people behind Columbia have been great and request no more than my honest opinions about the gear I receive. I realize how lucky I am…thank you Columbia, I really like feeling special!


A peek at Columbia Sportswear's #omniten adventure to Park City, UT · January 6, 2021 at 5:12 pm

[…] the details are sparing, we’ve all speculated plenty. Heidi Kumm suggests a little snow kayaking, Rebecca of is banking on some bear wrestling, […]

Wednesday, I hope | Living on Life · January 7, 2021 at 8:18 am

[…] Heidi: loves to run, loves mac & cheese, eats what she wants, snowboards and has two cats. […]

The Lessons Learned at Columbia's OmniGames // Heidi Kumm · February 8, 2021 at 7:07 pm

[…] Columbia box on my door back in October, becoming part of the #OmniTen crew was kind of a big deal for me! As our January trip date approached another invite went out – to all past and present #OmniTen members - asking everyone to take on the #OmniGames. Columbia kept the details under wraps but we all jumped at the chance to participate in whatever the #OmniGames happened to be. […]

The Jackets of Columbia via the #OmniGames // Heidi Kumm · January 1, 2022 at 2:23 pm

[…] am I sharing this little tid bit now? In the spirit of storytelling, the final challenge of the #OmniGames! When I think of storytelling I am reminded of my grandma sitting in her La-Z-Boy chair sharing […]

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