Oh, life. It sure can be a messy pile of reality checks and ironic laughter. The past few months have been nothing shy of a roller coaster…but not the let’s-see-how-many-people-puke roller coaster you know you made while playing Roller Coaster Tycoon. No, it’s been a much better, controlled chaos sort of roller coaster with just enough drops to get the adrenaline going before you’re back up on top. In other words, things have been good. Busy and a little crazy, but good. Really good.
I’ve officially been in Colorado calling Silverthorne my “home” for a full four months. I can’t say that I have a routine [my work schedule hates me] but it is starting to feel normal. A little too normal, as in, it’s time to start moving around again! Which is about to start happening, soon. But, first, here’s what I am up to, currently…
…quitting another job. I’m done at Keystone/Vail Resorts in just 7 days. No, not counting down at all…ha.
…until then, working lots of extra hours — averaging 65+Â hrs/wk again. Yay, adulting. Yay, free time…soon, very soon!
…just one month away from my 4th marathon in Pittsburgh. It’s going to be a long 26.2 miles! #GameOnPGH
…booked all my flights for family time + Lynne time in April. Time where I’ll be sure my nephews remember me + I get to explore a new city.
…realizing Mexico is more than just beaches! Found a few mountain tops when I was down there in February: La M + Pico Norte.
…booked flights back down to Mexico, this time for six weeks of “living” where I’ll finding time to explore around my work schedule.
…going a little stir crazy with my current ‘do. This growing out this is not easy, my hair is very blah right now.
…discovering “outdoor education” classes that are basically exploratory wilderness trips for college credit! #lifewin
…still unpacking from my weekend camping + climbing trip to Moab for a sport climbing class, which I took right after my snow orientation class!
…insanely thankful for my job at Ibotta that allows me to travel while still working! Gets me paid + makes my travel feel more like reality.
…pulling the details together for a summer in the Teton Sports’ Your Lead van. Yup, I’m moving back into a 4-wheel’ed home. Can. Not. Wait.
…eyeballing new gear. Namely, climbing rope + quickdraws + biners so I have the essentials for sport climbing.
…realizing I’m not even every good at speaking English as I’m trying to learn Spanish + we start talking sentence structure!
…officially signed up for some summery ultras — Never Summer 100K in July + Bear 100M in September.
…adding in some strength training with Paige as my trainer; current training goal = avoid injury + get stronger.
…potential owner of dead taste buds! Twice in a row now Mountain Dew has tasted “wrong” resulting in a caffeine deficit.
…finally admitting what parts of having a “life partner” I truly miss the most. It’s been years, I’m still processing + learning more about my single self.
And there you have it, all the most recent details of the excitement that is my life. As usually, there will be a lot changing in the next few days, weeks and months but that’s what I’m loving about my life. I’m never allowed to get bored or complacent with everything changing up on me! I’m sure, at some point, I’ll want that consistent normalcy…but until then, I’m rolling with the punches + “why not” moments.
Amy @ Life to the Full · April 1, 2021 at 12:11 pm
Oh adulting… So much fun, right?! On our last roadtrip, I realized that traveling was much more fun before becoming adult. The kids don’t have to worry about gas, hotels, snacks, packing, car rental… any of that business! Then again, I guess I had my chance to be a carefree kid, too 🙂 Roadtrips are still a blast but they sure can give me a headache when it comes to planning!
You are in quite a time of transition! Definitely never a dull moment 🙂 Kick some tail in your upcoming 26.2! I love the headband in your pictures, too. Nice to meet you on the #weeklywrap!
Amy @ http://www.livinglifetruth.com/
Heidi Kumm · April 4, 2021 at 12:20 pm
Roadtrips are awesome…but man, the details can be killer! There’s a catch 22 where it’s so much easier when you’re on your own, eating/drinking/stopping whenever you want but it sure does get boring when there is no one to talk to! 😉