I wore a puffy jacket this morning…with a summery dress + sandals. I guess that means it’s August in the mountains? Maybe we’ll actually get some fall weather this year? Chilly mornings + steamy afternoons…ah, one can hope! Of course, I’ll take anything that doesn’t involve the lapping flames of a wildfire!
My life has been taking off, without so much as a breather, as I settle into a new version of life in Colorado. My summers were once for wandering…now I’m working my tushy off with about six different jobs scattered across my mess of a calendar. It’s been crazy. Kind of awesome, but mostly crazy. I’ve struggled more than I thought was possible, falling apart for reasons I still haven’t pin pointed. But I’ve also had some incredible highs, including moments when I re-realized just how insanely lucky I am for…people. My people.
So, without further ado, here’s what has been happening in my life currently…
…attempting to scale back my ‘work for the man’ in an effort to spend more time working for myself.
…being absolutely terrified of the prospect of earning more than 50% of my income from self employment.
…chasing mountain summits, because that’s the cool thing to do…but actually finding happy among the valleys, rivers + lakes we find along the way up.
…figuring out how to train a cat…with a leash…outside.
…have a cat, by the way! We welcomed a black cat named Raymond into our lives in mid-June…Max is learning to cope.
…struggling with myself, because of myself. If that doesn’t make sense read this word dump of feelings about self sabotage!
…wearing dresses on a regular basis — as in, I did laundry for the week + washed FIVE dresses!
…slinging caffeinated beverages at Red Buffalo Cafe, my wifi home away from home…but still terrible at latte art, I have no patience.
…trying to mentally prepare myself for the Silverton Ultra Marathon 100K race in less than two weeks.
…also mentally preparing to feel like death for upwards of 22 hours. Ew.
…plotting out our next big adventures — some local with the Six Pack of Peaks Challenge, so out-of-state with birthday weekend shenanigans!
…realizing it’s actually cheaper to travel abroad than to the East Coast of the US, so my birthday weekend adventure may require a passport!
…the proud owner of a new Instagram account dedicated to the REAL feelings we all have on the trails — Peidi Howdy / @peidihowdy.
…raising money for Big Brothers Big Sisters of SW Colorado as part of the SUM 100K — YOU SHOULD DONATE, because good cause + kids + stuff!
I have a solid game plan for the upcoming months + I’m excited to take them on…for me. It’s been a challenge to figure out what I want, for me. Slowly but surely I think I’m finding it — that balance I keep talking about. Although, I am beginning to wonder if it even exists or if you just spend your entire life running back + forth along a teeter totter…