Uh. So. Hi? Yup, still alive over here, just loving the internet-less life a bit more than I expected! I’m in the process of getting back into the flow of “real life” with real responsibilities, a steady schedule and a place to park my car for more than one night at a time. Having a ton of free time has been surreal but I am honestly looking forward to more coordinated chaos with a some higher expectations for my productivity. No promises on my ability to be very good at meeting any expectations but it will be nice knowing they are there, waiting for me! Until then, I’m going to keep doing what I do best…currently…
…back in the United States for nearly two weeks. It’s not weird, there was no reverse culture shock [that I’ve noticed] + everything feels very “normal”. I guess that’s good?
…sill living out of my duffle bag. Life with a full closet of clothes [or even two totes of clothes] seems far too complex + overwhelming right now!
…roaming around Wisconsin and putting a bajillions miles on my car in the name of family time. #nocomplaints
…truly finding happy. I’m happy with where I am in life, I’m happy with where others are within my life, I’m happy with the trajectory my life is on. I’m happy.
…also thankful, very thankful. For people. For opportunities. For life experiences. For reality checks. For opposing points of view. Just plain thankful. Period!
…still growing out my hair — it’s finally long enough to poke me in the eyes, which is not nearly as exciting as I anticipated.
…finding much needed balance in some very important relationships — uncomfortable conversations are terrifying but, so far, always always always worth every scary word.
…missing friends, all of them. The ones I haven’t seen in months, the ones I talked to yesterday, the ones shared ice cream with an hour ago. I just like them all that much!
…contemplating the creation of my own non-branded bubble of the internet where I can overshare thoughts/feelings on the not-so-PC things in life. We’ll see.
…pretending I’m still a runner by signing up for the Pittsburgh Marathon. I blame Lynne + #GameOnPGH and I’m going to hate myself in March when I’m running 20mi in snow.
…getting excited for a winter in the mountains, literally. I moved to CO years ago for the mountains + snowboarding, I’m finally getting my winter in a mountain town.
…attempting to register for more wilderness + EMT training but failing miserably at beating the internet at its own game.
…still playing patient every chance I get in an attempt to keep in touch with my EMS training…who knew getting a Nerf dart shoved up your nose was so educational?!
…getting exceptionally good at channeling the patience needed for sitting on hold far too long.
…becoming a professional creator of steely nuggets + proficient power tool wielder! I spent 60+ hours last week helping out on a steel railing + NOT sucking at it!
…toting a crock pot back to CO for lots of warm winter meals, or at least that’s the plan…here’s to hoping I follow through!
…buying up all the cheese curds to take to CO with me a “friend payment” to a few of my favorite people. [also stocking up on maple syrup + blueberry cheddar #sogood]
…determined to learn German or French before next fall, preferably French so I can be awesome at life Gryon…because, yes, I’m going back!
…seriously considering catching up with my last few weeks of Europe story telling, eventually. The photos + memories are patiently waiting!
…weirdly proud of my current car, a 2001 Civic with a few missing chunks + a bundle of personality. Hopefully my Forester still loves me…
…and I think that’s about it! Well, it probably isn’t, but it’s all I can think of right now as I bounce my way across the MidWest and toward Colorado. I’ll be back in my welcoming shadows of the Colorado Rockies by the end of the week and while the idea of being an adult is daunting I really am looking forward to it! Hopefully I still remember how to do it… [I did remember to register my car + pay for health insurance so there is some hope!]
Marissa @Barefoot Colorado · December 1, 2021 at 1:03 pm
I really, really miss you! It’s been way too long since I’ve seen your face… it’s making me a sad panda.
Heidi Nicole · December 5, 2021 at 2:12 pm
I am really excited to see you! And then we can all be Happy Koalas! 🙂
Kami · December 3, 2021 at 4:56 pm
Suzie misses you but she feels a little betrayed that you traded her in for a Civic 🙁 She’s out adventuring but I’m sure she’ll forgive you and love you the instant you are reunited!!
On a completely serious note, I miss you too!! Welcome back to the 303 🙂
Running: The Uncertainty of New Roads · January 31, 2021 at 9:39 pm
[…] bounce back to one of the main topics of this blog — running. As you may have picked up from my most recent “currently” post I’ve signed myself up for a marathon. A road marathon. The Pittsburgh Marathon, to be exact. […]