And just like that, December is here! It feels weird to be closing in on the end of 2014. It’s been a long year with many life changes so I am more than ready for whatever 2015 has to offer…but at the same time it feels weird to close out such a massive year, to just be done with it. Of course, I’ll still be signing everything with “2014” well into March so I have plenty of time to adjust!
But before we give up on 2014 entirely let’s take a quick look at everything that has gone down in the past few weeks! Once again life got busy and I abandoned the blog. Partly because I updated WordPress then had no patience to deal with angry internet fairies and partly because I have been so incredibly unmotivated when it comes to writing, even about exciting things. So, this is what’s been up in my life lately…
…I am officially a runner on the Runners Roost Mountain/Ultra Trail team**, which means I’ll definitely be running ultras next year!
…speaking of ultras, my 2015 “race schedule” is outlined, with one extra long “goal race”! [hint: check out the side bar!]
…I’m still trying really hard to be a financially responsible adult, which kind of sucks.
…because of this new “omg, must stop spending” mindset I decided to cancel my Thanksgiving Natl Park Preview trip. Boo.
…but my trip to Oregon was amazing! The long recap goes up later this week but for now…Multnomah Falls was stunning!
…blaming Erin for my latest Taylor Swift obsession. I want to hate her for monopolizing my brain, but instead I bought her CD. Oops.
…being sick sucks, a lot. I’ve had a head cold for two weeks and the stomach flu showed up for 24 hours last week, just because. Ick.
…on the plus side, I just might be able to puke mid-race on the side of the trail without hysterically breaking down. #practicemakesperfect
…my legs are ready to run again and my brain is literally craving the structure of some sort of schedule!
…I even managed to ENJOY a bout of treadmill running – on the AlterG Treadmill! A crazy cool experience that worked my legs, not lungs!
…for months Paige at Your Trainer Paige has been my strength training inspiration so yesterday I officially bought into the YTP Boot Camp!
…coming to some interesting conclusions when really thinking about the “who am I?” question. So far I’m not disappointed.
…missing friends. A lot. We’re not far apart, our lives are just insanely busy. [note to self: make time for those that matter the most]
…excited for snow! I haven’t even looked at my snowboard yet this season, this NEEDS to change, soon!
…still pretending baselayers/compression tights = leggings = pants. My Zensah compression tights totally count as “business casual”, right?!
…on the hunt for the perfect holiday sweater for upcoming Ugly Sweater Parties! [and the final touches for a NYE costume party!]
…canceled Netflix in the name of “forced productivity”, we’ll know on Dec 22nd when it shuts down how long I’ll last.
Maybe my life isn’t all that exciting but these little “currently” lists are a lot of fun to write. They give me a chance to just sit down and think about what has happened, what is happening and how I feel about all of it. Brings out the therapeutic part of writing…
**After two years of running with Boulder Running Company I’m changing things up. I had a fantastic time with BRC and they helped me grow as a runner but with my move to Fort Collins I am well over an hour away from each group run and can no longer be a dedicated teammate so I’ve decided to make a change.
Brooke @ wreckingroutine · December 1, 2021 at 6:39 am
Congratulations on being a Runner’s Roost team member! Also, 200 miles? You are inspiring…or insane. 😉
Heidi Nicole · December 1, 2021 at 9:30 am
Insane…let’s go with insane! 😉
Heidi @BananaBuzzbomb · December 1, 2021 at 7:02 am
Yep, Currently lists are my fave. Which reminds me, it’s been awhile since I’ve done one…
Heidi Nicole · December 1, 2021 at 9:31 am
You should get on that…they are a lot of fun to write! And I keep wanting to update it with more things!
Heather · December 1, 2021 at 7:20 am
I finish work this week so let’s find a day where we can get the backcountry snow on our schedule!
Heidi Nicole · December 1, 2021 at 9:33 am
Yes! For the past three years I got my first turns in October…I can’t believe I haven’t even touched my board yet this season! [I’m not even sure where it is…in the garage I hope…]
Logan · December 1, 2021 at 9:06 am
I cancelled Netflix and Hulu, it’s done wonders for my free time. I also just snagged some new skis on a Black Friday sale, so the snow is calling my name in a major way right now. “Who am I” question…deep thinking right there…
Heidi Nicole · December 1, 2021 at 9:49 am
Unfortunately I think I’ll be the least productive person on the planet until December 22nd tho — must watch all of the things!
And take “who am I” to the next level — to “who do I want to be”. Your mind will explode!
Logan · December 1, 2021 at 10:20 am
Check you’re email - I proposed some epic “deep thought” time in March…
*do it! do it!*
Heidi Nicole · December 1, 2021 at 11:45 am
That email and all that it encompasses is exactly why I need to be a “financially responsible adult” right now. #mustsavemoney #forfunthing #exploretheworld #hashtag
Amy · December 1, 2021 at 9:28 am
200 miles!! WOW! That sounds amazing. I cannot wait to hear all about it. Compression tights totally can work as business casual!
Heidi Nicole · December 1, 2021 at 12:18 pm
Ha, thanks! Hopefully I can keep my body on board with the 200 better than I did with the 100!
lynne @ lgsmash · December 2, 2021 at 12:05 am
i saw some pretty cheesy tshirts at target if you’re in a real holiday attire pinch. 🙂
also: 1. i would like to hang out with you! give me a bit more notice before you’re in denver and i’ll keep my day open! and 2. financial responsibility is no fun. dealing with the same thing. oof!
Heidi Nicole · December 2, 2021 at 10:04 am
Target never fails me…they also take all of my money. Oops.
Robin · December 2, 2021 at 8:06 am
Looks like a great line up for 2015….looking forward to hearing about the big one especially!
Heidi Nicole · December 2, 2021 at 10:07 am
Thanks! All of my fingers and toes are crossed for a successful year!