Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Finish Line + Saucony but all opinions are my own.
If you’re meeting me for the first time, especially if it’s for a run of some sort, I’ll probably send you a message that says “I’m here – the awkward girl in neon near the sign!” so you can find me. Maybe I wore neon so you could easily find me…or maybe I just own a LOT of neon! The latter is more accurate – I own a lot of neon and I don’t always put effort into keeping it from clashing like a box of melting highlighters.
Bright colors make me happy. Even when I’m not feeling like a bubbling pile of smiles there is always room for some bright colors; a splash of variety, an unapologetic flair of personality. And this is precisely why I’m so in love with where the outdoor industry has been going with colors! Nearly every brand has a lot of color on their jackets, leggings, shoes, backpacks…and everything else! In my humble – yet nearly expert – opinion Saucony is right one cue with the colors of their newest shoes + apparel! Who doesn’t love a bright hoodie AND bright shoes?!
I’m head-to-toe Saucony here – love the top, the capris and the Triumph ISO!
Years ago I started gravitating toward bright colors because they always went on sale first – back in the day no one wanted fluorescent pink when a muted purple was available. Over time I realized I loved having a closet full of bright colors…and started adding color to random parts of my everyday life. At work my planner is color coordinated by the hour [I do a TON of tweeting, the hourly schedule is necessary!] and I pick my pens/notebooks/tablet covers by finding the most colorful option. In my personal life I seek out colorful outdoor gear [super pumped about my bright green tent!] and almost always choose some sort of color over black. Heck, I’ll wait two weeks for a running store to special order the more colorful shoe option once I find a model my feel can fall in love with.
The color doesn’t get to stop with your shoes or running tank either…once you’ve taken that step to embrace color, or metaphorically to love yourself for you, other things start changing. You start to consciously think about your own wants and needs first. When it comes to running you listen to your body, not what others are telling you is important. In the teeter-totter that is your work/life balance you seek out what makes you feel stable, not what society says is required. When you’re picking and choosing social outtings you know what settings will make you the happiest and you pick them because a happy you is a better friend. Keep life colorful…whatever that means to you, do it!
I mean…look at that color! That’s Lynne rocking the Saucony Guide 8!
This might not be scientifically proven but in my opinion, when you’re wearing color people notice you…so you don’t get to stand in the corner shy and awkward, you have to let your personality show! And having a personality you’re willing to embrace and share is so incredibly important. You are you and you need to be you, no matter what anyone else says. Keep your life colorful! Literally or metaphorically. You don’t have to love neon jackets or fluorescent running shoes to show off a little personality…just be you, and be proud of who you are.
Over the past few weeks I’ve noticed something interesting…without hair I have to be more outgoing. It sounds kind of crazy but as soon as my hair was gone I realized I’m a nervous hair twirl’er. Every time I got uncomfortable I’d reach up to tuck and twirl my hair, only to realize I had no hair. Now what?! Instead of visibly being nervous I had to sit up straight, look people in the eyes and truly express myself. I learned quickly that I needed to be happy and outgoing or I’d get unwarranted sympathy from people [I refuse to play the cancer card, that’s not fair to people truly fighting for their lives!]. So I’m required to put myself out there…and I really like it! So much so that I’m going to be sticking to the bald look for a while!
Subtle is okay too…you need a nice balance in life! Lynne stretching it out with the Saucony Ride 7!
That’s the kind of colorful I want to be. I want to wear bright colors and be seen…but for who I am and what I want to be. Of course, I also understand the importance of being subtle and letting other people shine but that’s not what this post is about. This post is about being you, being free and being colorful. Do what Saucony says…#FindYourStrong! Then fall in love with it, flaunt it and be unapologetically you.
Corrina · February 6, 2021 at 6:55 am
My running wardrobe is much brighter and bolder than my regular wardrobe. Something about running makes me bold I guess!
Heidi Nicole · February 6, 2021 at 3:34 pm
Hey…that’s exactly why running in awesome, right?! 🙂