trails + tents

Trail Fail: How NOT To Yurt Trip

Trail Fail: How NOT To Yurt, Cabin or Hut Trip

There are a bajillion + a half blog posts, articles + flashy insta-stories out there telling you how to properly, safely + comfortably go on a yurt trip. So, for the sake of trying something new, let's talk about all the things you can do wrong while venturing out to a remote mountain yurt or cabin. The fact we just recently did all of the following things [over the course of four trips, the only reason we're still alive] has nothing to do with my motivation to overshare this list. Probably. Not. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago

Alone in the Mountains [Schonbielhutte]

There were only a few hours between my "I should go somewhere" thoughts and my "hop on a train" actions but I did do a little Google'ing to get a feel for the trails in the Zermatt area. The Schonbielhutte was on my radar but the hut's website was very vague about when it closed for the season. I checked with the Zermatt Tourism Office but the woman simply read me the website...super helpful. Or not. So, when I came upon the sign that said "Schonbielhutte 1h 25m" I decided to check out the hut for myself. Worst case scenario, the hut would be closed and I would be hiking along remote mountain trails next to the Matterhorn on an absolutely gorgeous day for another three hours. Best case scenario, the hut would be open and I'd get to spend another night in the mountains. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago
friends + feelings


A lot has changed over the past two months, but at the same time life feels very normal. Weirdly normal. I'm living in Switzerland, working for a couple I've only known for a few weeks, living in a hostel with a revolving door of strangers and grocery shopping with Google Translator in hand. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago
trails + tents

Sunshine + Rain: Cabana de Plan Neve

It turns out the Swiss Alps really are littered with Swiss Alpine Club huts and their privately owned lookalikes. At Chalet Martin I met Caroline, another WorkAway from the States, and after a few days of extra fridge cleaning and bed making we ran away from civilization for a night in a mountain hut. At Merlin's suggestion we headed toward Cabana de Plan Neve, a smaller hut nestled in a mountain valley. When we left the hostel the low hanging clouds were threatening rain but as the day progressed the sun broke through the clouds and we ditched our rain gear for tank tops as we trekked down into Les Gorges, through Les Plans and up toward Pont de Nant. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago

A Night in Glecksteinhutte

My first day in Grindelwald was supposed to involve a long hike up to Steckhornhutte with a relaxing night surrounded by mountain views. Instead, the city welcomed me with rain and eventually storms that drove me right off the mountainside and into a “meh” hostel on the edge of town. The hostel’s kitchen was laughable and I didn’t even bother with the shower...but I did get a 6 bed dorm room all to myself and celebrated with a full 9 hours of drool-on-my-pillow sleep. Yup, I know how to have a good time! (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago
travel thoughts

Off the Beaten Path [Cabana d’Orny]

When I left Champex, Switzerland on my day hike up to Glacier d’Orny I was really just hoping for some time away from tourist feel of the city. I wasn't quite ready to commit myself to the extra bus ride that would be required if I stayed on the Tour du Mont Blanc trail, just to bail off the next I hiked up, up, up. There is a ski lift/cable car that will take you up the mountain from the edge of Champex but when you’re day hiking that is cheating, right? I tromped on past that cable car and found the single track that zigged and zagged it’s way up the mountainside one skree field at a time. Once I arrived at the top I sat myself down and ate half my stash of jelly beans while basking in the mountain sunshine. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago