Shabammy…it’s spring! There are flowers blooming in front of my bedroom window but still ice on my car windows in the morning. Yup, definitely spring here on the Colorado Front Range. It has been a crazy busy start to 2015 and it feels weird to think we’ve already hit April! I’ve had a full year’s worth of excitement jammed into just three months and there is no slowing down!
This blog has been full of stories + photos from the adventures I’ve been on so far this year – Summit County, Moab and South America – but what’s been happening closer to home and what exciting things are happening in the near future? Without further adieu…
…I am happy. It seems so simple but I think it needs to be said. I am happy. With myself, my life and my future. #allthesmiles
…while trekking around South America I realized I don’t want to take a year off to travel the world, at least not in as few words.
…instead of constant travel something like WWOOF’ing sounds extremely appealing. It’d be nice to put my farm girl skills to use!
…the Arizona 200M race got cancelled in early February but another race director is working to pick it up + change the dates, so we’ll see!
…for some insane reason I decided to sign up for a road marathon to console myself, so the Steamboat Marathon is happening June 7th.
…I have no recollection on how to train for a road marathon but I do remember it sucking, a lot. The next few weeks may be whiney.
…putting true effort into building friendships that mean a lot to you pays off. It’s not always easy, but that’s what makes it worth it.
…my hair is the longest it has been, since I shaved it all off, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. It’s hard not to Bic it again!
…volunteering at an animal shelter is back on the table, or maybe I just need to stop watching kitten videos. I need my kitten fix!
…I’ve been working as a Trail Team Ambassador with Gociety as they launch into the Fort Collins area – it’s a lot of fun. Check ‘em out!
…next month I’ll be completing my Wildernress First Aid certification which I hope to follow-up with formal EMT training.
…I am also reading up on technical mountaineering, just because. Up next, some real world practice on snowy + technical mountain tops!
…the internet has been rather boring lately. Is that even possible? Or maybe real life is more interesting? Either way, if I disappear, this is why.
…my mom just might be coming to visit me in Colorado and I’m excited enough to tell the whole world!
…next weekend I’ll be taking on my second attempt at a winter hut trip. Hopefully the stomach flu stays away this time!
…oh, yea…the flu. It showed up the weekend I got back from South America so rather than yurt trip I ended up couch sitting. #notfun
And I think that is about all I have to share with the world at the moment. Oddly enough, when it’s laid out in a list like such my life doesn’t seem quite so exciting. But, screw lists…I’m still going to keep my giddy smiles and find something else in my life to build into a color coordinated list, like something boring at work. That’s what color coordinated lists are for, making boring things more exciting…right?!