travel thoughts

Volunteer Exchange // WorkAway vs HelpX vs WWOOF

My first bout of nomadic living came as a bit of a surprise, to everyone. Myself included. I didn't spend years saving up for travel. This meant my bank account was far from prepared for my voluntary stint of unemployment. However, everything else in my life was screaming "go, go, go". So I went. I didn't want to turn down the opportunity to see the world because it came unexpectedly. I decided I would just get really creative with my budgeting + travel plans. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago
travel thoughts

Reality Czech: A Rural Workaway Experience

When I decided I needed to put my "tourist card" to use for the last few weeks I had in Europe I started looking into Workaway opportunities in a variety of countries. A few days after I started my search I had myself set up with a Workaway host in rural eastern Czech where I'd be helping out on a small homestead. I wasn't sure of all the details and didn't ask a ton of questions -- I think the overwhelmingly positive experience I had with Chalet Martin had me dropping my guard a bit. Luckily it all worked out is the full story, as I wrote it with pen + paper in my bunk in my downtime during my stay at David + Anna's small farm. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago
Social Oversharing