friends + feelings

Treading Water [EMT Training]

I've kind of fallen off the face of the internet lately. And oddly enough it wasn't a planned part of a "screw you internet!" over was simply life being life and getting in the way of life. How inconsiderate of life! I have spent the last 6 weeks immersed in an accelerated 10 week program to become an EMT. Going into this I really had no idea what EMTs did...I talked to a few people who were EMTs but it was a pretty general chat. It wasn't until the second day of class during a real heart-to-heart that I realized exactly what EMTs and Paramedics did in their day-to-day work life. It is not very glamorous; it's actually pretty disgusting on the "bad days" and there isn't always instant gratification; even when you do your job right. Rather than scare me off that realization made me want to work harder than ever to become the kind of EMT the medics wanted to work with. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago

Finding Fun in Misery [Steamboat Marathon]

Okay, this is getting a little bit ridiculous. It's been nearly three weeks since I ran the Steamboat Marathon and, while I have a few failed attempts saved, I am yet to actually write about the race. In my defense I haven't had time to write about anything but what's really holding me back about this race recap is the gigantic gap between the important parts I want to share and coherent writing. The race was important to me for a few reasons - it was a road race I had a few time goals for, my mom + friends + Jeremy spent the weekend in Steamboat for this race and because, at the end of the day, I learned how to have fun even when I was hating life. But for some reason I cannot figure out how to put the experience into words -- not necessarily because it was so profound but because my brain is so exhausted with EMT training/medical jargon the thought of trying to process the experience into words freaks me out. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago

Twenty Freaking Seconds [Colfax Half Marathon]

I'm about the recap my version of the 2015 Colfax Half Marathon approximately four [very long...] weeks after the fact. As a rather impromptu race it wasn't necessarily a huge day for me but I learned a lot, got one heck of a confidence boost in my ability and finish just 20 freaking seconds shy of my half marathon PR so I really want to write about it, if only as a reminder of what I learned. In theory I would have been smart enough to take these lessons and use them during the Steamboat Marathon but...I'm not quite that smart! (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago
friends + feelings


For the record I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth, just the tiny little that is the internet. There have been another round of major life changes going down here in the Land of Heidi and rather than try to put everything into words I’ve let all my social oversharing fall to the wayside [well, except for Instagram because a photo is worth a thousand words, right?!]. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago

Just Go Get Dirty

Here in Colorado we have had a LOT of rainy days and many people have been very vocal about their dislike for this gloomier-than-usual weather. Sure, there is a very good chance that 2015 will fail to delivery the “300 days of sunshine” Coloradoans like to brag about but I’ve been kind of loving the cool days + rainy weather + cloudy runs. The trails have been muddy and, while it does make running tricky, I think mud is fun. And since mud running is about all I’ve done outside lately I’m going to go ahead and talk about muddy running, again! (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago
friends + feelings

Sweet + Sticky Goodness [GoodPop Giveaway]

Disclaimer: This post + the giveaway is sponsored by GoodPop as part of my Blend Retreat attendance.

And just like that it’s the weekend again…or something like that! I worked a grand total of two days this week and am headed off to the Blend Retreat this afternoon for a weekend of food + trails + Boulder with a whole slew of blogger friends! And since it’s my version of the weekend I think we should all celebrate! And what better way to celebrate than with some deliciously sweet + sticky goodness on a stick!? Of course I’m talking about GoodPop…which are tasty popsicles made of real fruit + flavors that you’ll love, I promise! (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago

Trail Running at Chautauqua Park [Blend 2015]

This coming Friday I’ll be leading a group trail run at the base of the Flatirons in Boulder, CO to kick off the Blend Retreat. I’m kind of excited about this…it’ll be the perfect setting to show off some of Boulder’s trails and get a big bunch of IRL friends + internet strangers together for some Colorado sunshine! While I am the first person to admit I’m no expert on trail running I do have some experience wandering around the Boulder trails and thought it’d be nice to bring together all the questions I’ve gotten about running [and hiking!] the trails from the Chautauqua trailhead. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago

It’s runnable! [Greenland 25K Recap]

This past weekend I learned the true reason I like trail running. I tell people it’s because of the softer surface and the scenery but during the Greenland 25K on Saturday I learned that my true love for trails lies along mountainsides on steep, technical climbs…NOT on smooth, rolling climbs that are completely runnable. The amount of internal whining I did during this race is rather embarrassing… On Saturday morning I made the drive down to Larkspur [aka, almost Colorado Springs] to take on the Greenland 25K as part of the Runners Roost team. I had high hopes for a strong training race that would give me a good feel for where I stood with the random marathon training I’ve been doing. I had no time goals but I really wanted to feel strong and run the whole race without truly hating myself while exerting the same level of effort throughout the race, regardless of my pace. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago

Go Get Muddy!

If you’ve had a rough day and need a little break from your own brain I’ve discovered the solution…go get muddy! Yes! Muddy! Stop pouting, pull on your big girl running shorts, lace up those shoes and get your tookus outside! If you’re a runner leave the GPS behind. If you’re a photographer leave the fancy camera behind. If you’re a hiker leave the pack behind. Just leave it all on the kitchen table or in the passenger seat of your car and let your inner child play for a bit. (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago

That Escalated Quickly…[Wilderness Roaming]

This past weekend I went on one helluva an adventure. I knew it would be an interesting trip for a multitude of reasons but I had no idea just how much I’d learn about myself and others when I started out on what was supposed to be an 10-ish hour wilderness trek around the frontcountry/slackcountry just southwest of Denver. Luckily the first 10 hours of the day were everything I expected…it wasn’t until after the sunset that reality started beating me over the head with one lesson after another. I will probably share those lessons later, for now let’s focus on the fun that comes with a day of bushwhacking in the mountains! (more…)

By Heidi Kumm, ago
Social Oversharing