friends + feelings
Why I Customer Service
I think it’s a pretty safe assumption to say every “average” American out there has worked in customer service at some point. Whether it’s in a restaurant or call center or hospitality or retail…nearly everyone has worked in a “make them happy, even if they are being stupid” position at some point in their life. Yet, 90% of the population quickly forgets what it’s like to be in that position. They forgot that we really are doing everything in our power to make their life better and we don’t actually hate them…until they become ungrateful jerks.
I’ve worked in customer service since I was 16. I started behind the front desk of a hotel when I was in high school. It was my job to make sure people enjoyed their stay at a franchised hotel in a small Midwestern town. I quickly realized it’s all in how you delivery news…good or bad. I learned “hotel common sense”, found ways to portray myself confidently so guests trusted my words and discovered the value of the back office where I could roll my eyes while cursing at the unreasonably stubborn idiots.