Welcome to the new version of my little snippet of the internet. Whatcha think? You best like it…because I kind of do so I won’t be changing much. BUT, if anything isn’t flowing/working for you let me know, I’ll whip it into shape!
I’ve been living in Summit County — the home of 4 big Colorado mountain resorts — since December. My mountain job came with the perk of a season pass. It takes about 15 minutes to get from my bed to the base of a ski run. Yet, somehow, I’ve only been on the mountain 6 times this year. That’s sad. Really sad. Especially when you consider the fact I managed to get nearly 30 days a few years ago when I had to drive up from Denver every stinking day!
I’m not just feeling the motivation to get up on the mountain to go snowboarding. The other day I actually wanted to run on the snowy trails more than I wanted to go snowboarding. I’m definitely not feeling the urge to strap on my board like I used to. It’s a weird feeling, I feel like I’m betraying myself somehow.
In an attempt to diagnosis the source of my un-fun ways I headed out to Breckenridge with a little coaxing from a friend on Monday. We had just gotten more than 12″ of fresh snow so it would be a blasty, right?! We were on the lift by 9am and headed right for the T-Bar then Imperial lift to ride a few laps in the powdery bowls above Breck. The snow wasn’t perfect but it was pretty darn awesome. Falling didn’t even hurt…until now, two days later!
Let me just say one thing…my legs are not cut out for hours of powder riding! It’s hard work! Not the mention the fact my legs are barely capable of falling into “early season” strength/endurance category. Being able to run a bunch of trails miles =/= any skills on a steep mountain full of powder mounds! All the powder riding counts as cross training tho, right? Actually…I don’t even care. I’m battling some very conflicted feelings over “training” and “cross training”. Why does everything have to be about training? Why can’t I just enjoy the snow because it’s there?! Hmm?
…those little dots?! Those are people! The bowls above Breck really are that big!
I completely wiped myself out after just a few hours on the mountain! I came home with the best of intentions for an afternoon of diligent productivity but in the process of going from the shower to sweats I accidentally fell into my bed and slept for two hours. Oops. I guess that was my body + mind saying “nope, you need a day off, lady!” and that’s exactly how I earned my first day off work since the OR Show in early January! That’s life balance, right?!
Come Tuesday morning I was feeling far too lazy to scrap all the snow off my car so I got logical and decided to walk down to the local coffee shop for a day full of remote computer’ing. It was a two mile trek but it was beautiful! Everything was still a pristine white and I got my childish snow fix tromping around in snow deeper than my winter boots. This is the kind of snow I love…which is exactly the same snow I was riding in the day before but it was different when I was frolicking around making my own artwork on the untouched sidewalks. I’m weird.
Now, to go get my run on in the 10-ish degree temps…I’ve been waiting for the sun most of the day and it’s just not feeling the urge to pop out so it looks like it’ll be just me, snowy trails and the clouds. Maybe I’ll get lucky and find some track-less snow so I can make my own designs again! #kidatheart
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