Tag Archives: single track


Trails: More Than Just Dirt.

09 Sep 15
Heidi Kumm
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While I’m here in Switzerland I’ll be spending a lot of time on the trails. There will be plenty of day hikes and long runs, just because I can. Trails will become a huge part of this little adventure for a few reasons — they are cheap, they take you to amazing views, they make me incredibly happy and they bring people together. The first two a pretty obvious, so when REI asked me to share what trails meant to me I wanted to share the effects dirty single track has had on my life!

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Moab Miles

18 Feb 15
Heidi Kumm
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I spent my long weekend [thanks to PTO, not President’s Day] in Moab doing some very sandy car camping, roaming around the trails and re-inventing life with a little help from bacon. I made the trip with a few friends and we had quite the weekend filled with bacon, sand, snow and many, many miles. I even got to put my new Ultimate Direction Fastpack to good use on a 40+ mile trek along The Whole Enchilada trails.

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Playing on Pawnee Pass

31 Jul 14
Heidi Kumm
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After the stellar success I had running the 4 Pass Loop in Aspen [click that link, then you’ll understand just how much sarcasm I’m using there] I decided to give this run-in-a-circle-and-up-mountain-passes thing another try. This time I headed to Indian Peaks Wilderness to run the Pawnee/Buchanan Pass loop with a group of runners and strict instructions to bail out if it hurt. For the most part I did a fantastic job of listening to my body and playing it safe! Sort of. Mostly.

I was really nervous going into this run. I didn’t know many of the people running and the ones I did know where a heck of a lot more experienced on the trail than I am. There really was nothing expected of me but in my head I had some standards to live up to [or down to…] and I didn’t want to disappoint. I didn’t want to whine too much or be the idiot that ran right through pain and into an injury just to save face. Yea, I was scared to run with these people…but I also knew it would be good to run with some more experienced people, so I showed up and ran.

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